COVID-19 Response
Reopening Plan
Annual Use of Funds Plan for ARP ESSER grant - December 2022
Annual Use of Funds Plan for ARP ESSER grant - budget (excel version) Jan 23
Annual Use of Funds Plan for ARP ESSER grant - budget (pdf version) Jan 23
NHDHHS Isolation and Quarantine Recommendations- 1/7/22
Updated LEA Plan on the Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services - Sept 2022
Updated LEA ARP ESSER Plan - Use of Funds-3/14/22
*Excel Version of LEA ARP ESSER Plan -3/14/22
LEA ARP ESSER Plan - Use of Funds 2/21/22
Revised Reopening Plan - 12/8/2021
LEA ARP ESSER Plan - Use of Funds 10/5/21
LEA ARP ESSER Plan - Use of ARP ESSER Funds - 9/24/2021
LEA ARP ESSER Plan - Use of ARP ESSER Funds - 8/19/2021