
The Monroe School District applies for and typically receives several grants each school year to help supplement the services we provide to our students.  The Rural Education Achievement Program (REAP), IDEA-B, IDEA-B Preschool, Title I, Title II and Title IV grant are typically received yearly.   

SEED Grant Awarded 12/18/2024

On 12/18/2024 we received word that our proposed project to replace our existing HVAC building automation system was approved.  This project will cost $229,918 with the SEED grant paying for over half the project!  The SEED grant, through the St of NH Department of Energy will cover $120,000 of the project.  The current system is outdated and has been failing over the last few years so we are excited to announce that we've received this grant to help us replace it.  The project will start the winter of 2025 and be completed by June 30, 2025.

2023 - 2024 Monroe School District Grants

Below is a list of the grant funds we have for the current school year to expend.  Some grants can span two years, so if we don't spend all the money in one year we can spend it the following year.  

Monroe was awarded a Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP) grant for the 23-24 school year in the amount of $6,900.00  This grant provides free fresh fruit and vegetables to all students during snack time several times a week!  

On June 2nd, 2023 we received word that we were approved for the Bridging the Gap in the 603: Pathways to Literacy Proficiency  multi-year grant that Leah, Brittany Kempton and Laura Tobin worked together to apply for.  This grant is NH's multi-year State Systemic Improvement Plan that selected up to 8 schools to participate in this pilot program.  The purpose of this pilot program grant is to increase 4th grade student reading proficiency by at least 10 percentage points.  

On May 8th, 2023 the National School Lunch Program Equipment Assistant Grant application that our Food Service Director Celise Johnson applied for was approved!  We were awarded $13,529.87 for the purchase and installation of a new dishwasher.  The new dishwasher will replace our 21 year old dishwasher.  Thank you Celise for applying for this grant!  

The COVID-19 pandemic saw several new grants become available to schools to help with the impact COVID-19 had on student education.   We received funds from the CARES ACT ESSER, SPSRF, CARES ESSER II, and ARP ESSER III grants. Monroe School District is in the final year of the funds available through the CARES ESSER II and ARP ESSER III grants.  The use of the ARP ESSER III grant funds can be found below. 

Approved Use of Funds Plan for ARP ESSER III grant -January 2023

    Excel Version of Approved Use of Funds Plan for ARP ESSER III grant - January 2023

Annual Use of Funds Plan for ARP ESSER grant - December 2022

Annual Use of Funds Plan for ARP ESSER grant - budget (excel version) Jan 23

Annual Use of Funds Plan for ARP ESSER grant - budget (pdf version) Jan 23

Updated LEA Plan on the Safe Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services - Sept 2022

Updated LEA ARP ESSER Plan - Use of Funds-3/14/22 

*Excel Version of LEA ARP ESSER Plan -3/14/22

LEA ARP ESSER Plan - Use of Funds 2/21/22

Revised Reopening Plan - 12/8/2021

LEA ARP ESSER Plan - Use of Funds 10/5/21

LEA ARP ESSER Plan - Use of ARP ESSER Funds - 9/24/2021

LEA ARP ESSER Plan - Use of ARP ESSER Funds - 8/19/2021