Title I

Title I is a federally funded program that provides funding for supplemental services to a select group of children, those most at risk of failing to meet the State's challenging content and student performance standards. Students are referred by their teachers based on this testing, classroom performance, and teacher observation. A strategy is determined to improve student performance and services are provided in a one on one or small group setting.

Below, please find and review our MCS Title I Compact!

Title I Compact

School-Family Compact

Review our Title I School-Family Compact to better understand the roles of the teacher, student, and family as we work together to help students make academic progress.

Below, please find how to file a Title I complaint, the form to do so, and the timeline associated with the process:

Title I Complaint.pdf

PARENTS RIGHT-TO-KNOW Title I, Part A of ESEA (Every Student Succeeds Act 2015)

Parent's Right To Know - (Section 1112(e)(l)(A-B))

Qualifications: At the beginning of each school year, a LEA that receives Title I funds must notify parents of each student attending any Title I school that the parents may request, and that agency will provide the parents on request (and in a timely manner) information regarding the professional qualification of the student's classroom teachers, including at minimum the following:

+ Whether the teacher has met State qualifications for the grade levels and subject areas in which the teacher provides instruction;

+ Whether the teacher is teaching under emergency or other professional status that the State has waived;

+ Whether the teacher is teaching in the field of discipline of the certification of the teacher; and

+ the child is provided services by paraprofessionals and if so their qualifications.

Additional Information - A school that receives Title I funds must provide to each individual parent-

+ Information on the level of achievement and academic growth the child, if applicable and available, has made on each of the state assessments required under this part; and

+ Timely notice that the parent's child has been assigned or taught for 4 or more consecutive weeks by a teacher who does not meet the applicable State certification or licensure requirements at the grade level and subject area in which the teacher has been assigned.

Format - The notice and information provided to parents under this paragraph shall be in an understandable and uniform format and, to the extent practicable, provided in a language that the parents can understand.

MONROE School District

Title I

Parent/Guardian Involvement Policy

This parent involvement policy was developed in cooperation by the administrative team at Title I schools, parents of participating students and the school district. It will be made available to all parents/guardians of participating students.

District Requirements:

• Annually Title I Program staff will involve parents in the development of the Title I Plan and Title I Prog Evaluation through feedback from surveys and interpersonal communication. The Title I staff will continue to solicit their involvement in school improvement efforts.

• The school district and administration team will build school and parent capacity for strong parental involvement. The team will also provide technical and advisory assistance in development and implementation of the plan and effective parent involvement activities.

• The school district staff will coordinate and integrate Title I parental involvement strategies with other programs.

Title I School Requirements:

• The Title I School will hold an annual meeting in a timely manner to inform participating families about the program, parental rights and responsibilities, and opportunities for partnership between the school and the home in building the student's academic skills. At the initial meeting the staff will...

-ensure that all parents receive the 'parents right to know' document, regarding teacher qualifications;

-provide information about the assessments used in determining eligibility and the nature and content of specific programs that will be used to supplement classroom instruction;

-provide written information about the results of their particular student's assessment and the content of the program in which their child will be participating within one week of the start date for their child's instruction; and

-follow-up with phone calls to clarify any information needed.

• Parents will be informed of meetings in writing and if possible, invited personally via phone call. If there is a need expressed for childcare or transportation, the Title I program will make arrangements for students, (when appropriate) and siblings to be cared for on-site during the meetings free of charge to the parent

If needed, transportation will be made available to parents wishing to attend.

• Additional meetings may be scheduled during the year to provide an opportunity for parents to ask questions and gain information about academic development and strategies to help their students succeed. Meetings will be geared toward meeting the expressed needs of the parents with regard to their student's academic development and skills.

• Parent feedback will be gathered to assess the program's effectiveness and to help inform future decisions about its scope and content.


Approved Monroe_Title I Plan_24-25.pdf

Mcs Title I Plan

Check out our district Title I plan for the 2024-2025 school year!